Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Is "Green" a Mirage?

There are only a few things that I am truly passionate about. One of them is obvious, and typically the subject of this blog, running. The second is "green" technology. I personally try to live as "green" as I possibly can. A few examples being joining my first CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) with Featherstone Farms, my shampoo and conditioner (Garnier's Pure Clean - both over 94% biodegradable) and I recycle all of my used running shoes so that they can be made into things like rubber tracks and dog beds! These are just a few of the things I have changed in my life to play my part in helping to make our world better and more sustainable now and in the future. Sure. I would love to own a home that is green to the core, with an energy efficient exterior and solar panels to not only power the electrical components of the house, but also the hot water heater. Last summer I got to tour the home of some family friends in Sisters, Oregon and honestly I was green with envy (pun totally intended). It was not only a beautiful home, but the energy company was actually paying them for the surplus energy their home created! For now I will do the little things that I can until one day this dream too is a reality. But is this good enough? Is being "less bad" the best thing for our world?  

This YouTube video is an interview by Bill Moyers of PBS and Daniel Goleman, author of the best-selling book Emotional Interlligence (which I recommend you read if you have time). It is a brief 20 minute discussion of why currently being "green" is a mirage, but it also discuss small steps we can each take to make in impact on our world and -- to paraphrase Ghandi, bumper-sticker style, "Be the change you wish to see in the world".